I like the South.
I love the people in a friendly manner.
I don’t like the North.
I hate the people who are egotistical and only think about themselves.
But I also like the East.
And I don’t like the West so much.
I feel at ease when I’m in the South.
But I can’t understand their ignorance and naiveté.
I become a rational person when I’m in the North.
But I’m sick of their lack of flexibility.
I feel at ease when I’m in the East.
But I always desire to go to other places.
I have never been to the West.
So I think the West is like a battlefield.
I like the South.
But I can’t live in there.
I like the East.
But I’m tired of living in there already.
No the West. No the North.
So where should I go?
Where is my place?